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Monadic interface functions for the Belt.Result.t object.

Here a basic example:

let r =
  |> Result.map(x => x + 10)
  |> Result.flatMap(x => Result.return(x + 2))
  |> Result.getOrElse(-1);
Js.log2("Result: ", r);
[@@@ocaml.ppx.context { cookies = [] }]
open Result
let r =
  (((Result.return 10) |> (Result.map (fun x  -> x + 10))) |>
     (Result.flatMap (fun x  -> Result.return (x + 2))))
    |> (Result.getOrElse (-1))
let _ = Js.log2 (("Result: ")[@reason.raw_literal "Result: "]) r


let map: ('a => 'b, Belt.Result.t('a, 'c)) => Belt.Result.t( 'b, 'c )

map provides a Functor compatible interface for Belt.Result.t. There are 2 laws which a Functor must meet.

  1. Identity
    Js.log2("Should be 42", Result.map(x => x, Result.return(42)));
    [@@@ocaml.ppx.context { cookies = [] }]
    open Result
    let _ =
      Js.log2 (("Should be 42")[@reason.raw_literal "Should be 42"])
        (Result.map (fun x  -> x) (Result.return 42))
  2. Composition
    let f = x => x + 1;
    let g = x => x + 2;
    let a = Result.map(x => f(g(x)), Result.return(0));
    let b = Result.map(f, Result.map(g, Result.return(0)));
    Js.log2("Should be true", a == b);
    [@@@ocaml.ppx.context { cookies = [] }]
    open Result
    let f x = x + 1
    let g x = x + 2
    let a = Result.map (fun x  -> f (g x)) (Result.return 0)
    let b = Result.map f (Result.map g (Result.return 0))
    let _ =
      Js.log2 (("Should be true")[@reason.raw_literal "Should be true"]) (a = b)

let map2: ( ('a, 'b) => 'c, Belt.Result.t('a, 'd), Belt.Result.t('b, 'd) ) => Belt.Result.t('c, 'd)

map2 provides the Functor compatible map over 2 results and passes the contents of those results to a function with an arity of 2.

let map3: ( ('a, 'b, 'c) => 'd, Belt.Result.t('a, 'e), Belt.Result.t('b, 'e), Belt.Result.t('c, 'e) ) => Belt.Result.t('d, 'e)

map3 provides the Functor compatible map over 3 results and passes the contents of those results to a function with an arity of 3.


let flatMap: ( 'a => Belt.Result.t('b, 'c), Belt.Result.t('a, 'c) ) => Belt.Result.t('b, 'c)

flatMap (chain) provides a Monad compatible interface for Belt.Result.t. There are 2 laws which a Monad must meet.

  1. Left identity
    let f = x => Result.return(x + 1);
    let a = 42;
    let x = Result.flatMap(f, Result.return(a));
    Js.log2("Should be true", x == f(a));
    [@@@ocaml.ppx.context { cookies = [] }]
    open Result
    let f x = Result.return (x + 1)
    let a = 42
    let x = Result.flatMap f (Result.return a)
    let _ =
      Js.log2 (("Should be true")[@reason.raw_literal "Should be true"])
        (x = (f a))
  2. Right identity
    let a = Result.return(42);
    let x = Result.flatMap(Result.return, a);
    Js.log2("Should be true", a == x);
    [@@@ocaml.ppx.context { cookies = [] }]
    open Result
    let a = Result.return 42
    let x = Result.flatMap Result.return a
    let _ =
      Js.log2 (("Should be true")[@reason.raw_literal "Should be true"]) (a = x)

let flatMap2: ( ('a, 'b) => Belt.Result.t('c, 'd), Belt.Result.t('a, 'd), Belt.Result.t('b, 'd) ) => Belt.Result.t('c, 'd)

flatMap2 provides the Monad compatible flatMap over 2 results and passes the contents of those results to a function with an arity of 2.

let flatMap3: ( ('a, 'b, 'c) => Belt.Result.t('d, 'e), Belt.Result.t('a, 'e), Belt.Result.t('b, 'e), Belt.Result.t('c, 'e) ) => Belt.Result.t('d, 'e)

flatMap3 provides the Monad compatible flatMap over 3 results and passes the contents of those results to a function with an arity of 3.


let return: 'a => Belt.Result.t('a, 'b)

This operation is the pure Applicative operation for lifting a value into the Result context.

let r = Result.return(42);
[@@@ocaml.ppx.context { cookies = [] }]
open Result
let r = Result.return 42

let error: 'b => Belt.Result.t('a, 'b)

This operation is the constructor to lift a value into the Result context as an Error.

let e = Result.error("bad things");
[@@@ocaml.ppx.context { cookies = [] }]
open Result
let e = Result.error (("bad things")[@reason.raw_literal "bad things"])

let ap: ( Belt.Result.t('a, 'b), Belt.Result.t('a => 'c, 'b) ) => Belt.Result.t('c, 'b)

Applicative apply operation. This implements the Applicative specification

  1. Identity
    let f = Result.return(x => x);
    let a = Result.return(2);
    let b = Result.ap(a, f);
    Js.log2("Should be true", a == b);
    [@@@ocaml.ppx.context { cookies = [] }]
    open Result
    let f = Result.return (fun x  -> x)
    let a = Result.return 2
    let b = Result.ap a f
    let _ =
      Js.log2 (("Should be true")[@reason.raw_literal "Should be true"]) (a = b)
  2. Homomorphism
    let f = x => x + 1;
    let x = 2;
    let a = Result.ap(Result.return(x), Result.return(f));
    let b = Result.return(f(x));
    Js.log2("Should be true", a == b);
    [@@@ocaml.ppx.context { cookies = [] }]
    open Result
    let f x = x + 1
    let x = 2
    let a = Result.ap (Result.return x) (Result.return f)
    let b = Result.return (f x)
    let _ =
      Js.log2 (("Should be true")[@reason.raw_literal "Should be true"]) (a = b)
  3. Interchange
    let u = x => x + 1;
    let y = 1;
    let a = Result.ap(Result.return(y), Result.return(u));
    let b = Result.ap(Result.return(u), Result.return(f => f(y)));
    Js.log2("Should be true", a == b);
    [@@@ocaml.ppx.context { cookies = [] }]
    open Result
    let u x = x + 1
    let y = 1
    let a = Result.ap (Result.return y) (Result.return u)
    let b = Result.ap (Result.return u) (Result.return (fun f  -> f y))
    let _ =
      Js.log2 (("Should be true")[@reason.raw_literal "Should be true"]) (a = b)


let bimap: ( 'a => 'c, 'b => 'd, Belt.Result.t('a, 'b) ) => Belt.Result.t('c, 'd)

bimap provides a Bifunctor compatible interface for Belt.Result.t. There are 2 laws which a Bifunctor must meet.

  1. Identity
    let a = Result.return(42);
    let b = Result.error("boom!");
    let a1 = Result.bimap(a => a, b => b, a);
    let b1 = Result.bimap(a => a, b => b, b);
    Js.log3("Both should be true", a == a1, b == b1);
    [@@@ocaml.ppx.context { cookies = [] }]
    open Result
    let a = Result.return 42
    let b = Result.error (("boom!")[@reason.raw_literal "boom!"])
    let a1 = Result.bimap (fun a  -> a) (fun b  -> b) a
    let b1 = Result.bimap (fun a  -> a) (fun b  -> b) b
    let _ =
        (("Both should be true")[@reason.raw_literal "Both should be true"])
        (a = a1) (b = b1)
  2. Composition
    let f = x => x + 1;
    let g = x => x + 2;
    let h = x => x + 3;
    let i = x => x + 4;
    let a = 42;
    let b = 24;
    let ok1 = Result.bimap(a => f(g(a)), b => h(i(b)), Result.return(a));
    let ok2 = Result.bimap(g, i, Result.bimap(f, h, Result.return(a)));
    let err1 = Result.bimap(a => f(g(a)), b => h(i(b)), Result.error(b));
    let err2 = Result.bimap(g, i, Result.bimap(f, h, Result.error(b)));
    Js.log3("Both should be true", ok1 == ok2, err1 == err2);
    [@@@ocaml.ppx.context { cookies = [] }]
    open Result
    let f x = x + 1
    let g x = x + 2
    let h x = x + 3
    let i x = x + 4
    let a = 42
    let b = 24
    let ok1 =
      Result.bimap (fun a  -> f (g a)) (fun b  -> h (i b)) (Result.return a)
    let ok2 = Result.bimap g i (Result.bimap f h (Result.return a))
    let err1 =
      Result.bimap (fun a  -> f (g a)) (fun b  -> h (i b)) (Result.error b)
    let err2 = Result.bimap g i (Result.bimap f h (Result.error b))
    let _ =
        (("Both should be true")[@reason.raw_literal "Both should be true"])
        (ok1 = ok2) (err1 = err2)


let toOption: Belt.Result.t('a, 'b) => option('a)

Returns a Belt.Option.Some('a) if the source is an Ok('a), or a Belt.Option.None if the source is an Error('b).

let fromOption: (unit => 'b, option('a)) => Belt.Result.t( 'a, 'b )

Given a Belt.Option.t('a) and a function unit => 'b return an Ok('a) if the given Belt.Option.t('a) is a Belt.Option.Some('a), or an Error('b) if the input is a Belt.Option.None.

Logical Operations

let isOk: Belt.Result.t('a, 'b) => bool

let isError: Belt.Result.t('a, 'b) => bool

let forAll: ('a => bool, Belt.Result.t('a, 'b)) => bool

let forEach: ('a => unit, Belt.Result.t('a, 'b)) => unit


This is also known as the Comonad specification, where the method names are extend and extract for unsafeGet and getOrElseThunk respectively.

let fold: ('a => 'c, 'b => 'c, Belt.Result.t('a, 'b)) => 'c

let getOrElse: ('a, Belt.Result.t('a, 'b)) => 'a

let getOrElseThunk: ('b => 'a, Belt.Result.t('a, 'b)) => 'a

let unsafeGet: Belt.Result.t('a, exn) => 'a


let swap: Belt.Result.t('a, 'b) => Belt.Result.t('b, 'a)



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