⚠️ Oops! This page doesn't appear to define a type called _.


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type t = { modifier: option(Modifier.t), from: option(From.t), where: option(Where.t), orderBy: option(OrderBy.t), limit: option(Limit.t) }

let make: unit => t

let assemble: ( ~?modifier: option(Modifier.t), ~?from: option(From.t), ~?where: option(Where.t), ~?orderBy: option(OrderBy.t), ~?limit: option(Limit.t), 'a ) => t

let modifier: (t, [ `Ignore | `LowPriority | `Quick ]) => t

let from: (t, string) => t

let where: (t, string) => t

let orderBy: (t, [ `Asc of string | `Desc of string ]) => t

let limit: (t, ~?offset: option(int), ~row_count: int) => t

let toSql: t => string